Tuesday, September 29, 2009

pick a color...

Orange, being one of my favorite colors, made Tuesday's challenge a bit challenging...what to choose?

Should I go with nasturtiums and lawn chair (pay no attention to the pesky squirrel)...

my new "bells and whistles" purse...

or mountain ash berries?

How about the pillow from a favorite niece...

or a bowl of oranges...the possibilities are endless.

Last but not least..
Bert's nose!

listening to~http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNZmICj_dXk&feature=fvw


  1. Like the FAVORITE niece part;) Weren't you supposed to give that pillow to my mom. I can't believe how far I have come since I made that pillow:)

  2. Luke would laugh if he saw that picture of bert
