Monday, September 20, 2010

my latest acquaintance

 It's been a while since I've done any serious baking and while  I watched the apple trees do their thing, my thoughts turned to apple cake, apple crisp and  my new favorite. As the days turned to weeks and the tiny buds turned to tiny apples my heart sank. I waited and hoped the little buggers would make us proud...
Not this year:(
Deana  had to collect them for apple jelly (I don't do jelly)...they are just too small and too many!
This recipe calls for Granny Smith thank goodness...the thought of monkeying with our dinky apples makes me crabby uneasy.
It looks overdone, but  you need to bake the heck out of this cake because it is so filled with apples (6 cups),  after leaving it under the cake cover overnight it's perfectly moist and gets even yummier  with age ...I've kept it  covered on the kitchen counter for up to 6 days with  no ill effects.I was going to add rum with the orange juice, but I forgot...maybe you will.... and then let me know the result.

 Can't wait for dessert!

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