I always thought it meant that I react to things in an extreme way ...which I do. I finally looked it up and he was right.
While I was at it, I researched the antonym for the word 'proactive' (would it be antiactive?), it wasn't in the dictionary, so I googled 'Proactive, antonym' and found this gem (warning: go beyond definition #2 at your own risk) hence my new favorite phrase..."unnecessary neologism".
Onward and upward... to the heart of the story.
Once in a while there's an irresistible photo in the newspaper that I clip and save. This one was taken at Memorial Park , West Duluth (where I learned to skate a million years ago) in the early '90's.

While shopping in Target years ago I spied one of the workers that looked like the gal in the photo. I had many opportunities to inquire about the photo, but never did because, to be perfectly frank...it was too cumbersome. But I always wondered.
Well...all things come to those who wait...
Aimee got a job at Target and was talking about her fellow workers...one thing led to another and guess what?! Her new friend, Mary, is the mom in the picture.
If I had been more proactively aggressive the mystery could have been solved years ago...but I'm lazy, and like this story better anyway.
I think my hormones are getting the best of me already... I cried reading this.